
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I was wondering what governs the mirror curve transform? I thought it might be like inversion, but when I used a circle as my mirror curve and another circle as my geometry, I got what looks like a lemniscate instead of an inverted circle as the result. Thanks.

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This is not an actual transformation (unless the mirror curve is linear), but a deformation. What happens is that every point on the original geometry is mirrored in the curve. The mirroring happens by finding the closest point on the mirror and then extending the vector from the point to the projected point in the opposite direction. In fact the icon for Mirror Curve pretty accurately conveys how the deformation works.

If the mirror curve is linear then the component works just like the mirror command in Rhino (at least for geometry that is co-planar with the mirror curve).


David Rutten

Thank you! Now I see why I'm getting that lemniscate-like figure.






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