
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Fairly self-explanatory I suppose. I fairly frequently, maybe I'm just hasty or lack foresight, go to bake something on to a specific layer which I haven't actually created yet. It's not a huge deal, close the window, make the layer and go again but it would be useful.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance


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Michael's pointed you to Giulio's tools which are all could also get Nathan Miller's Lunchbox tool group, which has an outstanding bake component in it (among other things)

+1, forgot bout that :)

I have Lunchbox actually and it is amazing.

but, we use grasshopper a lot across our group and it's quite a big job keeping track of everyone's plugins so that when I hop on to someone else's computer everything is where I expect it to be. Like I said not a big one as there are many ways around and it just avoids a little bit of laziness but would be nice if it's not a big task






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