
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The top definition has 3 points, with 3 different distance components to make 3 independent lists, which I can then plug into extremes to get a new list based on minimums and maximums.

however, the bottom definition has the 3 points all referenced into one point component (more convenient for a lot of points)and is grafted, then is using one distance component with the sq grid points, essentially creating the same 3 lists as the other definition due to list matching ( the beauty of GH), but they themselves live in a list.

my question is how can i then obtain a new minimum or max value list from those 3 lists without using explode tree and then plugging into extremes. Is there a method or component that can detect multiple lists being plugged into one input and then output a new min or max list. if not could there be one in the future? Thanks.

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Replies to This Discussion

I Understand your problem?


No, if you look your V- and V+ are outputting the same list, and then you are just putting this list in order and sorting it. What needs to happen the 4 lists of 36 (n=36) outputted from D of distance need to be compared to make one list of 36 that is either the maximum or minimum numbers from comparing each item on the 4 lists with there corresponding list item. essentially the output from v- or V= should be, in this case a new list of 36 numbers, not a joined list of the 4 n=36 lists which is 144. you get it?

Flip matrix to have lists of 3 distances (one list per grid point) and use the bounds component to get min and max of this list.

care to explain further, I'm not sure bounds is what I am looking for, I want the exact list as the original screenshot.

I'm not sure I get what you're trying to do...

Are you sure you don't want the [Bounds] component?  It will output a bounding interval.

the goal is to get the exact same list as in the original screenshot above, without having each point and distance component individual (like top example of original screenshot above) or without using explode tree (like bottom example of screenshot above). The reason is imagine If i  have 200 points that's a lot of wire connections. So how can I do it. bounds only gives me the top and bottom of each list, I want the exact list in the original image. so im wondering can there be a single input component, with the same function as extremes, but it works on a single list of lists.

EXACTLY! thanks, it was really bugging me.

Hannes, any idea how to go about this with a list of vectors, say I replace dist component with vec2point. 

Hi Michael,

something like this?

The logic stays all the same. Vec2Point return a length so you don't need do calculate distances separately.

But I guess you want to get the vector that has the min or max length, right?

You can try FSim or MIndex with the min/max distance on the list of distances and thrn use the retunred index to look up the vector.

Hello Hannes,

True, with the FSim u get the exact same thing as i posted earlier. I added a bit more to it, so that in the end u have the same/similar structure u started with. Besides that, added a very arbitrary function to take care of the displacement in order to get the results discussed earlier today with Michael.






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