
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello dear all!

I searched a lot on this topic, did find several tutorials and working processes, but somehow my project won't work.

For a universitary project we are designing a tent, which is supposed to be a Burning Man pavillon. We build the tent's geometry in rhino, build a mesh in rhino and tried to relax it with Kangaroo - but the mesh remains as origin.

Maybe some of you have any suggestions on how to proceed? We guessed already that our input mesh might be not correct.

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Mama mia > this requires a certain rework I confess.

Until it's ready > go there (and follow links to previous cases):

hey Peter! Thank you very much for the link to you discussion - saw this already earlier, but somehow stopped in trying to understand it because of its complexity ;)

Indeed especially the "final" version (C#) with the instance definitions et all is a bit of a handful. Maybe you could give it a spin at some later time when you'll be more familiar with membrane matters.

good idea! :)


Your anchor points should be placed on your mesh.


Well ... the most important thingy that we do in tensile membranes is the critical provision to apply peripheral tension  [cables engulfed in some sort of "linear sleeve"] "along" the edges for stabilizing (in the "lateral" sense) the fabric and greatly reducing the other "classic" forces required. 


OK, let's start from the basics (the membrane outlined in this thread it won't work in real life [without a proper inverse cone] - more on that soon). Other than that membranes are 1% fabric and 99% components - more on that soon. By that I mean that the focus of the design (even on Academic level) should concern totally different things than the fabric.

So ... leaving aside the components (for the moment) let's examine the simplest (cone free) design: get a polyline and do something using the classic one node up, the next down approach.

Using the 099 K1 engine (behaves better in some occasions, not in this particular case ... but anyway).

Using Starling/WB as well.

more soon.


these basics are really great to understand the structural principles - thank you very much!!!

Well .. Ii' add a small C# to that v2 that acts as "auto cone maker" - a single cone, mind (inverse or classic) soon.

I mean doing things with a very fast approach (VS the rather complex multi-cone case [using Patch, therefor slow] provided via the above link) ...

... using a Starling type of mesh out of a "contour" polyline (one point up, the next down etc etc).

The C#  finds the "center" point (with valence == the N of nodes in the contour Polyline) then removes the related faces then intersects a Plane (Fit to the "hole" points) with a Sphere (ditto) thus making the cone Circle profile then it moves the Circle up/down [case: classic/inverse cone] then it modifies the "star" like mesh faces related with the newly created hole etc and feeds K1/K2 with the appropriate additional data (i.e. the proper hole anchor points). 

Hmm ... in theory this should be as simple as possible ... in reality it poses some issues related whit what happens if you modify the cone radius (but still it's 100 times faster than the "dual" Patch method used in the complex multi cone case).

more rather soon.

by the way your GH script is simply amazing!

No ... the v2a MAY be (if I could find some 30 minutes to finish the &#%#&% thing).

That said (I do hope that nobody else reads this, especially Daniel) I hate meshes ... thus every time that I do stuff (or code) with these things > blood pressure tops the charts + highly inappropriate vocabulary used +  ...

he, he






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