
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


How to check mesh collision  (get bool true) between two simple geometries let say mesh pyramids, if they are are colliding with each other?

And get false if they are on top of other mesh faces / are not physically intersecting?


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Thanks, but the issue I have when using mesh mesh intersection or other rhinoCommon methods is that I get true, but I need to get false when the mesh is top of each other (when just touching not intersecting) .

Do you have any ideas for this?

Thanks works:)

You can use the Mesh Mesh Intersection component and then check the results if it outputs any polylines. This will only work for cases where the faces intersect though (i.e. not if one mesh is fully inside the other). In such cases you can check vertices for containment using the Mesh Inclusion component. Note that RhinoCommon has a MeshClash class as well as two mesh intersection methods (a,b). I assume these are used by the GH component. You can use the IsPointInside method to check if vertices from one mesh are contained inside another.






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