
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone!

Im working on a script that generates you intersection curves from a terrain+buildings on it. The terrain and buildings are together as one open mesh.

When I try to intersect my meshterrain with the intersection planes through the Intersection.MeshPlane method I get unproper intersection lines (see image attached).

I need a CLOSED polyline for the script to work.

The Intersection.MeshMesh method unfortunately gives worse results.

Is there maybe a possibility to convert the meshterrain to a nurbs surface? From previous tests I figured out that the Intersection.SurfaceSurface method works much better, but I cant convert the meshterrain to a nurbs surface.

Thx for help and hints



Views: 2727


Replies to This Discussion

What about Intersection.MeshMeshFast?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thx for the help so far, but the MeshMeshFast somehow gives similar results, lots of lines which are missing small pieces. Could it be that the mesh is actually too large for this operation? It has almoust 200'000 polygons. Therefore also the meshToNURB Rhino command would be impossible to apply without splitting the mesh into many smaller pieces, because it works only up to 20'000 mesh faces


Maybe you can convert the mesh to nurbs using an additional plugin:

And then intersect your new nurbs terrain with intersection planes.

I think it may be a bug. You'll need to post the mesh though otherwise we cannot find the bug.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I guess the bug somehow derives from the fact that I did a boolean difference with the terrain and building objects. When I apply the mesh intersection method to the terrain and buildings separate I get good intersection lines, but in the end I need only one continuous polyline for each intersection plane, so I guess to do the operation separate for terrain and buildings is no option...

@ djordje thx for the plugin, I'll test that as soon I can)

I tried several times today but the file download user session is always timed out or something. You can use the McNeel upload system if you want, put my email ( in the recipient box:


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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