
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

question, whats the difference between merge and weave when inputs are grafted, both have the same amount of branches and the same "n" pairing, yet why does weave add an additional 0? 

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Merge will only work in this way if the path structure is identical in each input.

Weave gives you more control over where you get the data from. i.e. you can choose a pattern 0,1,1,0 for instance (provide you have enough inputs). But also the path structures do not have to match. Input 0 can be {0}, {1}, {2} etc and input 1 can be {0;0;0}, {0;0;1}, {0;1;0} etc 

I see. thanks. as side note for David, both merge and weave are ZUI now yet merge does auto add of an input when the existing inputs are full, weave does not, is this because weave still requires the additional p input?

I'll probably remove the auto-addition of parameters. Danny's wish will make it obsolete.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

well I'd say, Danny is a great wisher.






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