
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I am a newbie. Could anyone help me, please. I have a problem in creating tensile membrane by Kangaroo component. It is AnchorPoints did not work well. How can I fix it? 

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If the anchors are not mesh vertices you should use "special" additional springs: connect appropriate (say the prox one with regard a given anchor point) mesh naked vertices to your anchors (do that using separate springs for these since their stiffness has nothing to do with the mesh edges stiffness) in order to instruct the engine to "relate" these vertices with the anchors via these springs.

Is that all? NO: in real-life (tensile membranes) we always apply forces per pairs of cables (per mounting plate) that are inside a pocket running "along" the perimeter > meaning that you should separate the mesh edges in the naked ones and the rest.

So you need 2 kinds of springs for the mesh and 1 for the anchor cables.

PS: Forgot to mention the obvious: your anchor points should differ in Z (say: odd points up, even down) in order to avoid a flattish relaxed mesh that has no meaning (at least as a tensile membrane). If the thing is big an inverse/normal cone (or many) could make things easier.


In rare occasions we deviate from the one up the next down anchor rule ... but that's for smallish membrane pieces (not to mention that in the long term is BAD engineering - membrane fails sooner or later).

Many thanks to your reply. It's so detailed. I'll try to do base on your methods.

On the other hand:

IF you have plans to do membranes in real-life I would strongly suggest to start contacting specialized makers (like BirdAir) since it's impossible to do that type of stuff without a close collaboration with them. Keep in mind that a membrane is 1% the "tissue" and 99% the nuts and bits that keep the tissue properly in place. In order to design bespoke nuts and bits you'll need a decent feature driven solid MCAD app (from CATIA/NX to Solidworks) - Rhino is NOT suitable for that type of work by any means.

The Catch 22 is that these specialized fellas they don't pay any attention to you if they don't know you ... but in order to know you ... blah, blah. 

wow, your informations are so helpful to me. They were open my mind in this area. Surely, you are a master in this major. Honestly, I am really thankfull for your explaination. Nice to meet you, sir Peter Fotiadis.

These are great projects. Could you share grasshoper or rhino files with me, please? It 's so good to learn from you. Thank you very much.

Er... well... no problem ... but there's 2 things that you should consider:

1. Call me with any name you want except Sir (Peter/Lord of Darkness is fine, also try: King of SardineLand).

2. My solutions are carried over solely via code even for tasks related with K2 (for a vast variety of reasons mostly related with "communications" to/from other CAD apps used in a real-life BIM driven AEC pipeline [where GH plays a small role]).

If 2 is OK with you, drop a word.

It's OK, Peter. I'm glad to study whoever like you. I guess you also work in architecture, right? I am an architect and I research in BIM and code in Grasshopper. Nice to study from you. You can contact me via my email : Thanks.






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