
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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I've had some requests for sharing Meerkat.  And I didn't want to release it until I finished the next version, but now I realize that second release may be a long time coming.  It is a utility for displaying/cropping shape files in Rhino/Grasshopper.

Here it is!  Enjoy at your own risk!


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Hey Nathan,


I have tried your program and the google map is not showing any addresses for me - what could be the problem?

In order to get addresses, you have to load a gis parcel file that has an address field in it.

Yeah.. that was the tricky part. I have looked for a whole day for this data (Berlin, Germany). And found only 2d map on Which I tried loading in and couldn't do anything with it. I guess its just a different type of data. No parcels there or terrain levels either... later I opened it in rhino and found just a cad drawing with layers.

Any ideas where to get the data for Berlin?

Thanks for sharing Nathan.

Great work!

It seems pretty great tool, but I have some problems with it... tried to convert some .shp files to .txt, just like in Your video, there’s Messager it’s been converted and then when I try to load the text file 

I get this:

What's wrong and how can I get working .txt file? (I tried with few different .shp, from different sources - and as .shp they work right.. just can't convert neither the ones I got from nor the ones from the cartographic center). 

There's the link to zipped files I used for particular area I'm interested:

I would have to look at the text file or the original shape file.  

I've been saying this for awhile. but I have the next version of Meerkat mostly functioning... but being a full-timer with two young kids... I haven't finished it.  The next version cuts out the whole conversion process and is more of a realtime zoom-able google maps interface which uses a few open GIS dlls.  

That said... Send me a link to your shp file if it's online and I'll take a look.

Files for the city, which I need, are here (these are simple geometry .shp from geofabrik's osm conversion files') . The other data I tried are for other area (just tried them to check if it's a problem wth specific files or general) and are pretty heavy, I'll send you some of the layers on priv - I'm not supposed to spred them anyway so don't want to upload them in public.. ;) 

Meerkat's been released on Food4Rhino.  Check it out!

Hi Nathan

i got a problem of using Meerkat GIS. when i use the command of "crop shape files", nothing happens...Could you tell me is there anything wrong with my steps, Thank you !

My step:

1.use "create reference view" to select a location

2.use"draw a rectangle" to define the range of my wanted area

3.and then use "crop the shape file" to save a shape

I really need to use your plugin!!


You don't have any shapefiles!  Ahhh!  That's a big one. Meerkat is not querying some magic database in the sky.  You need to get the files and then crop them!  Sorry if my tone is harsh... let me know if you have any other questions.

Hey, I have the same problem. What files do we need to download? Any Gis data?

Has anyone encountered this before? I think it may be part of an issue I'm having with my geometry being less than one inch in width and like 200 feet high........ (the selection boundary box is displaying as a single line)






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