Sorry, I was just being silly.
That's the parametric equation for a sphere (try switching your 3 function components to cross-reference).
What is it you are actually after ? a non-trimmed version of that surface ?
Yeah, I wanted to know the procedure to make a surface from 3 [or more] arches. I mean we cannot achieve it by lofting right? Similar to enniper surface or something...
Also, in the above example, when I say cross-ref, I dont get a sphere. I'm just curious!
One way to get matching numbers of outputs from the X,Y,Z expressions is to give Z a v input too (even though it's expression has no v term). Then you have a setup which you can use for more general parametric equations.
Of course there are far easier ways to make spheres in grasshopper! , just your post was titled 'mathematical surface'.
Thanks Daniel!
The images I attached were just to show what I had in mind - I didnt want to achieve it by making a sphere and then trimming it. I wanted a surface which is formed between 3 or more arches [or parabolic curves or something], where you have control over the depth of the arch and the surface updates automatically.