
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

As I was looking around to find ways to generate a coiling/looping curve, I stumbled upon a definition by Grasshopper3dvn. These 2 equations were used:

I tried Wolfram alpha to find out what does u, v and a mean but there was little explanation. I would appreciate it if you guys can point me to where I can learn more about these 2 equations and their parameters. Thanks!

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Usually u and v refer to the X and Y dimensions of a 2D rectangle. The typical values for both u and v are from 0 to 1. The variable a is probably a constant that can have any value, but the 2nd equation looks like it should not be 0. My guess is the first equation will give you the X value of a point on the curve, and the second one the corresponding Y value. 

Thanks Binnard! I tried to use a slider to test what each component will do to the shape but was not able to figure it out.


You'll be able to try like this and play more.


Thank you Hyungsoo, I'm messing around with the definition to get a clearer sense of the equations' parameters. Really appreciate your input!

Hi Tom,

I'm actually testing out drawing circles and use bi-arcs to connect and split them so that in the end I will end up with a semi-coiling curve. The math seems way over my head after reading and testing the parameters repeatedly. I will read more into this in the future. But for now, I guess I will have to improvise haha! Thank you for your input, I really appreciate it!


you can use mathForV4 plugin in rhino for generating curves from equation or you may use evaluate component in grasshopper for equation and give input as U and V such As X and Y in grasshopper






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