
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Mapping pyramids(different in height) on a curvy surface

Hi there guys,

here is a Grasshopper newbie. I've been involved in Grasshopper for a while now, but I can't really code by myself, I rather copy codes from other people and try to get them to work in my case.

Here's the thing. There is this subject at my university where we are assigned a famous building and we need to recreate it in Rhino. We're given bonus points if we manage to code some interesting part of it in Grasshopper. So far so good, I'm doing pretty well with Rhino and by far I am happy with the results I've achieved with modelling the given building.
Harbin Opera House by MAD is the building I'm trying to model. There is one particular surface:
I've built this surface in Rhino and now I'm trying to map pyramids on it. Not only have the pyramids to be different in height, but their height has to be dependent on the curvature of the surface.
I'm getting some results but it seems to be exactly the opposite of what I need. I want to have higher/spikier pyramids where my curvature analysis shows red/blue and lower/slopier pyramids where the analysis shows green colour.

At the moment I'm not really sure how the code I have works, but it seems that the height of the pyramids is dependent on a distance from a point in space to the projection of the cap-point of a pyramid.

Here're my Rhino and Grasshopper files:

I'd be grateful if someone of you guys could handle my problem. I've got one more issue with this surface, but once I get a solution to the first 1 will let know what the second one is.

Thanks in advance and keep well!

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You didn't even use your surface curvature data, did you?


Hi Kim,

no I haven't used the curvature data. Haven't really thought of using it. Thank you so much for this solution to my problem! So helpful!!! Let me know if you want me to give you credit when presenting my 3D model at the university.

P.S. I've got one more issue with the same geometry. Should I post another thread or may I post it in this one?

Thanks, but that won't be necessary because this piece of code is not specifically something for me.

And please expand if you want, I wish I could do something to help out.

Great! Here it is.

I need to take the grid on which the pyramids are based and offset each line in both directions on the surface. With all offset lines I then need to create a surface and extrude it so that I get a solid.

Here is what the building looks like from inside:

This image shows in what manner I need to offset the lines. Please refer to the right part of the image/the Rhino window.

Ideally the lines which are going to create a to-be-extruded surface have to be from 2nd or 3rd degree.

Once again thank you so much for the solution of my initial question!

If you don't have to implement finite element analysis of your diagrid structure(with Karamba or something..) and just only if you want to get a 3d modeling for 3d-printing or rendering, then, you could use this method using meshs.

You'll need several plug-ins including "MeshEdit" "WeaverBird" and "Kangaroo Physics 0.099".



sorry for my late reply. This is exactly what I need. It's for rendering purposes and I don't have to implement any analysis. Thank you so much! I have Weaverbird and Kangaroo and will have to install MeshEdit. Will give it a try on Tuesday, till then another university project is due. Thank you, your code is great, so are you!

Will let you know if I have any issues running the code.

Hi Kim

it's me again. I'm now trying to get the script running, but nothing happens. I've had Weaverbird and Kangaroo both 0.99 and 2 from before and I just installed the MeshEdit plugin. Did the thing with unlocking the .gha file. Here's what my screen looks like.

Do you have any tips how to make it work? Thanks in advance!

I missed the most obvious. My surface wasn't connected to the Srf component. Now it works!

thank u so much sir, this file is so helpful to me thank u so much :) 






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