
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I extracted these points from an image using an image sampler, (The points are the RGB values from the base image) and now I want to map them on breps(cylinders) which populate a sphere. 

They are getting incorrectly mapped & I want to map them spherically just the way we texture map using a bounding sphere.

Has anyone worked on a similar problem?

Please see some screenshots below and my script attached.

Views: 1647


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Check this, BTW, you'll have to solve the "Sphere Seam" problem because your image is not a good case for seamless connection fr left to right.


Thank you for your reply Hyungsoo :)
I am a beginner at grasshopper and not sure if I am missing something, but I am getting all breps as blue when i open your GH file. I understand about the "sphere seam" problem and I'll work on the image itself!

I don't know if I undestood correctly but here I use project point on surface to get UV coordinate. I reparametrize surface of the sphere in order to have UV domain in {0 to 1}. I did the same with the image sampler. Domain was {0 to 8}. 

If you want to rotate the texture, rotate the sphere. 


Thank you Laurent! This is very helpful :)






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