
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I could really use some help if possible.

I have created a grid and am interested in manipulating the z-coordinates of a select few of the points from the grid with a view to then creating an undulating surface. 

Is this possible without baking the grid?

Any help is much appreciated.

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Hi Andy,

Yes it is possible.
You can for example use the "Decompose" component and alter the z coordinate of few points.

It would be much easier if you could post the files and attach a screenshot of your work.

Thank you for your help! As you can see I have generated a grid and attempted to move some of the points but I am unsure as to how to isolate individual points to move in the z-axis rather than the entire grid!

Thanks again in advance!


Hi Andy,

Maybe something like this can help you:

You can control the intensity of the waves in both direction by moving the curves on the Graph mapper components, far left (grouped in the green block).

You can also change the shape of that wave by right-clicking on it, and then choosing another type of from "Graph type" list.

Bear in mind that I am beginner like you and that this definition might not be correct.

There are a couple of ways you can do this.

Maybe something like this, could be interesting too:


What is this waved surfaces supposed to be? A ceiling?


Hi there,

Thats certainly a very elegant tool and will definitely be of use later in my project, however at this stage Im looking to be very accurate with the coordinates that I move in the z-axis.

I am looking to create a 'datascape' - essentially an elaborate 3D graph.

The surface created needs a z-axis coordinate of '0' at every point on the grid except for instances (on the map included on the rhino file) where there are security cameras.

I have marked these coordinate on a PDF to try and better explain myself. Ideally these few coordinates would have their z-axis coordinate on a slider allowing them to be 'user controlled' between a value of say, 0-100.

The final result would be a surface that peaked at these coordinates, making a 3D graph.

Many, many thanks for your help!


In essence, I would like to be able to create this in grashopper that could be changed to suit different sets of data

I would be more helpful if instead of .pdf you attached the .3dm file with the points in the grid that need to be elevated.

Take a look at the new definition now - by using the sliders (on the far right of the definition) you will elevate particular surface peaks. Still those values on the slider do not represent the distance between the elevated surface point (peak) and the original one. The distance is presented in those yellow panels right of it.

That's the best I can do.
Some of more experienced users may help you further.

Still you did not tell me what is the very purpose of this waved surface? It's a ceiling?


now by taking advantage of lists ;)

bake the component in purple, I just used mesh after for better display.

the file


Thanks very much, this looks like it could be just what I'm looking for! Im having some issues with the .gh file you've attached though, when I open it, it's empty! Any chance of uploading it again?



Make sure you are on the newest gh version. Is working fine here

Yes that seems to have been the problem! Thanks - Im fairly new to grasshopper so apologies if Im being a bit slow!

I have opened the grasshopper file you sent, and then assigned a point (at the origin 0,0) to the point parameter. This however just resulted in a mess! Where have I gone wrong?

Also in future if I wanted to manipulate more points other than the seven currently in the 'gene pool' how might I go about achieving this?

Many thanks again for this, its a life saver!

your gene count must equal the amount of points you have, that's why the mess. right click and edit it.






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