
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to distribute points evenly onto a set of contour curves. (shown in blue)

In the top panel of the attached gh file I have managed to create a process that works for 4 curves.

The process takes each curve, divides it by lengths of 0.35 leaving a short remainder in each case. The list of points is reduced by 1 and the division repeated to spread the points evenly along the curves to the full length.

My problem is that the number of curves could be up to 200 or more. In the exercise I am trying there are 145 curves. You can see from the file that the problem is managing all the connections.

Is there an easy way to achieve this. I don't know how to write script if that is the answer. But any help to nudge me in the right direction would be appreciated.


Views: 368


Replies to This Discussion

You don't need to separate all the branches in this way. GH will handle that for you.

Try just this:

You could also do something like this if you have lots of curves and want to bring down the processing time by not dividing the curves with points twice.

Note the N input requires an integer so therefore any real numbers will be converted into an Integer anyway

Hi Danny,

Thanks for your quick response. 

I have tried your first suggestion and it works fine.

I will now try the second suggestion, but I am sure it will be perfect.







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