
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

hopefully not bothering you with stupid questions. Anyways, I'm trying for two hours now to create voids in a solid. I've got a waffle model of a bookshelf (currently not exactly to scale in my script) and I want the entire waffle model to be held by a 4mm MDF. For that reason I decided to make voids for either the x-direction sections or the y-direction sections, that doesn't really matter to me. My idea is to offset the curve a bit inwards so that the 4mm MDF won't be cut all the way through. This is my aim. However, I did it here with Rhino and not with Grasshopper.

I've tried few approaches:

1) Deconstructing the brep which holds the y-sections and trying to extract only the bottom surface which I would then extrude 4mm in minus Z direction. Finally I'd use boolean difference between the 4mm MDF holder and the sections.

2) Move the surface a bit upwards in Z direction, so that it intersects properly the sections. Intersect sections with the given surface. Take the intersections, project them onto the 4mm MDF holder and somehow make voids.

Interestingly enough I couldn't cope with either of them. Hope someone would find a solution to my problem.

I try to keep my code tidy but please keep in mind that since I'm a newbie it might be slow and irrational.

P.S. I highlighted the MDF holder and the sections with light green in the Grasshopper file.

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Something like this?


Oh, how neat that is, Hyungsoo! You're always there to help, thank you so much for that!

This works perfectly for me. Just one thing keeps bugging me that I couldn't figure out. I tried to skip that step with A-B but some sections disappear no matter whether I feed B with 0.00 or just connect it to the Z unit.







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