
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I get a triangular surfaces from mesh. How can i get a solid surface from these triangles? How to rebuild the surface? Hot to get the another sequence of points?

p.s Sorry for my english

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This is a way...
mesh >face boundaries > boundary surfaces > join brep

But maybe take a long time.

Thanks. I've already made it. But i want to get one solid surface from pieces.

There's no easy way. Sometimes it's doable when the mesh vertices can be converted to a control-point grid, but that requires both a specific mesh topology and properly ordered vertices.

There are some plugins for Rhino that claim to be able to generate high quality surfaces from meshes, but I've never tried them.

Doing it by hand is definitely possible, but will take about 15~30 minutes on the geometry you've got, so it's no good if that geometry changes all the time.

Thank's a lot, I think I will do it by hand. But I've never modeled in rhino before, could you recommend me good moddeling tutorials?

maybe I dont see well but if the triangles are coincident (if they make a planar surface) you can try merge coincident faces either from rhino or from grasshopper.

How exactly should I do this? I have no clue.

The rhino command is MergeAllFaces. The grasshopper component is in surface->util->Merge Faces
but don't hold your breath, it works in fairly specific situations.






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