
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,
I'm working on a project were I am trying to make a busstop. However I do not succeed in making a triangle structure which have triangles of the same size.

I know were the problem is located, but I do not know how to solve this. I added the grasshopper file to show were the problem is.
Out of a number of points I made nurbssurface, this nurbssurface is connected to the triangle surface.  
The divide surface tool is however dividing the nurbssurface into points which are not of equal distance to each other, is there a way to solve this so that these points are of equal distance to eachother so that the triangles in the structure become the same size?

I hope there is someone that can help me, thank you in advance!
If there are any questions, go ahead and ask me.

Views: 977


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I dont think thats geometrically possible. If your surface is not regular like a sphere for example it just mathematically impossible. Its like diving an irrational number by an integer, it will still have decimals.

Thanks for your reply.
I think I maybe asked my question not exactly correctly. It's true I think that it is quite impossible to do that. 
But when looking at my grasshopper file, the points in the y direction are spread out quite equally onto the surface as I would like, but could the same be done in the x direction?

I see the problem, not sure why the divide surface is not diving by regular lengths.

Here I solved it by extracting iso curves and dividing those curves regularly. The triangles are not equal, but the division is a lot more regular than what you were getting.

Hope it helps...


Thanks for looking at the problem and for the effort you made. 
This is however not exactly how I intended to have the points equally spread. 

Hopefully someone else can maybe point out the exact solution for me.

What do you mean? The points are now equally spread, there are not many options for that, rather they are or they are not. Note you can change the separation between the points.

I added a quick drawing, my issue are the gaps that that I filled in with blue lines and black points. On these places points are still missing on the surface. The tricky part also perhaps is that it ofcourse still has to be parametric, so when adding an extra set of points in the same direction as I have drawn, the points still have to be divided equally along the surface. 


Not sure this is what you want, but at least now the division is the same along x and y.


I will play with the model you made, but it looks good on first hand. Thank you for your effort ShynnSup!






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