
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, guys i am a student in architecture departement and i have project and i have project and i just started learning grasshopper i am makeing building and i want to generate pattern like in the picture on the building

can anyone tell me how and that be done????

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This is just a goofy hack but it might get some wheels turning?

Had to "explode" your shell to work on just one surface.


big thank for you but i need some thing else how can i make scale and  rotate for the pattern like the picture ????

Hah, hah, yeah I can see what you want.  Cool code is rarely as simple as the flick of a switch though.  No substitute for time, effort and skill - except money, I guess, to hire someone to do it for you.  What I want to know is how to produce this oval shaped hole pattern on a colander?  ;-)

thanks for your help 

I'll take a verbal stab at this, :)

0. make a surface out of a circle in rhino, set one surface in GH
1. create a curve from circle center in rhino, set one curve GH
2. divide curve by 7
3. attach an oval at each point intersection, less 1
4. align holes to common angle between each 2 points of intersection (so ovals align with curve)
5. copy 4. 360/60 about center circle  (creates 6 curves rotated thru 360)
6. it appears there a 3 more sets of curves that need to be taken care in the same way as 1 thru 4 (see colander pic)
6. project the oval patterns onto, 1/2 a sphere somewhat larger that the surface circle, to avoid extreme oval distortion.
7. needs some Boolean subtraction of holes from sphere surface

Does this simple road map have some merit?

Hi Kim,

I was just kidding but...  I wouldn't use Rhino at all.  Do everything in Grasshopper!

And it looks to me like three sets of holes:

  • seven holes repeated 17 times above the feet (when it's right side up) and
  • six holes repeated six times between the feet - interlaced with
  • five holes repeated six times - making twelve spirals of holes in the center.

I wonder if the oval holes are the result of mechanical properties in the manufacturing process?  Drill bits or hole punches?

My tongue in cheek remark was simply to say that it's easier to ask hard questions than to answer them!







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