
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi guys i need help in this shape i have reached to stage photo number 1 and i want reached to stage photo number 2 but i donot now how and this is my ghfile i want to know how can i increas number of bridges and make it smooth 

number one

number 2

Views: 517


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i did this Equation but i donot where is the fault ????

On weave you must put a pattern of 0 1 2, by default it is just 0 and 1.

On Brep join you must also plug the 2 outputs of cull index i 

When you need to add multiple wire you must click on the wire, click on Shift  and plug the wire

You could also add a slider to level of subdivision of catmull & clark

Internalize data, it is almost more simple to help you

Use also data preview of selected objects to follow the flow of the script

I think you will understand how to add piles !


big thanks 






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