
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Mac users prefer Windows 8 or 7 on Mac with bootcamp?

Any advice on choosing Windows 7 or 8 via Bootcamp on Mac to run Rhino and Grasshopper?

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AFAIK, both work as well with bootcamp, so I'd go for Windows 8 since it's better than 7 (beware, some people might find this objective fact controversial).

Thanks Vicente! 32 or 64 bit version of Windows 8?

For the Mac below + Sapphire Radeon HD 7950 Mac, 3GB DDR5 + Apple 27" LED Display.

If you can go for 64-bit, do it. You can always run applications in 32-bit mode and the extra memory you get is not to be scoffed at. Also, some application (such as Adobe After Effects) only run on 64-bit now.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Windows 8 64 bit.


Have you bought it already? If not I'd recommend installing an SSD HD (or a couple), you probably won't need 3 TB of internal HD space.


Also, you probably know this, but if you are going to install Windows you can build a much much cheaper machine with higher specs by switching  manufacturers.

Thanks for advice. Orders placed. I'll report back in a week or so when all is installed.






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