
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Mac Pro + Bootcamp + Windows 8 + Rhino5 & Grasshopper

The posts regarding Windows Rhino+Grasshopper using bootcamp on a Mac were made in 2012.

Most helpful to receive current comments from anyone who is using Windows Rhino on Mac.

Views: 923

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Mel,

are you having a problem running Rhino and/or Grasshopper on Bootcamp?


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Thanks David - I'm a long time Mac Pro user and trying to decide if bootcamp for Windows Rhino and Grasshopper is a reliable option. OR if I should purchase a Windows machine only to run Rhino and Grasshopper. 

Works fine, 

I use boot camp everyday.

There is no difference between bootcamp on a Mac or windows on a non mac PC. 

All that matters is whats under the hood, and how much money you want to spend for it. 

Thanks Michael! That's great news. What's your system hardware config?






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