
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Looking for "flipped addition" Object...or something like that

Hi Guys,

I'm completely new to Grasshopper and just trying to get my first project to work. For that purpose I'm still looking for a function which I haven't been able to find so far:

Basically I need an object, which allows me to define a value as an input and which then outputs an adjustable number of random values which - if summed - equal the input value. For example I want to define 50 as an input and the output should be 20 + 30 or 20 + 20 + 10 or 25 + 25,...

So basically I need something like a flipped addition object (but with an adjustable number of random output values) Is there anything like that in Grasshopper?

Thanks a lot in advance!



Views: 643

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Peter,

This question will probably be quite a delicacy for a number of grasshopper experts we have in here.
While this cavalry arrives, here is my modest approach on this issue (bear in mind I am a beginner too):

Double click on "requested sum" yellow panel to change to any value you want.
Then change the "shuffle values" slider value to what ever you want.

Change the "number of addends" to what ever you like.

Double left click on that pink component (Galapagos) and choose the "Solvers" tab, and then click on "Start Solver". Like this:

Wait for a couple of seconds, and when the process stops, click on: Ok.


Another solution:

Jitter used  to avoid duplicates.

(Hehe Djordje, it looks like we are competing for answers today =)  )

@Peter: the cavalry has just arrived :)


I used to ask my neighbor to compete with me in basketball, and he was/is a very good player, while I suck(ed). After some time, he said to me: "Mate, we could compete, but in parallel universe."

So yes, we could compete today/tomorrow/in few years.

But in another parallel universe :)

If I had the skills in video editing I would remix this into 'The GH Zone":

Nice idea. Somebody with video skills might try this.

I'm on it. ;)


hi Systemig, if it's not too much trouble could you maybe upload a grasshopper file of your idea so I can directly open it in gh? I'm having kinda trouble understanding how the elements are connected in the picture...thanks a lot!




hi guys, thanks for the replies! I haven't been able to try this out yet, but I'll do so when I get home this evening, and report back if it worked for me.

Thanks again!


Hi! So I tried both solutions and both work perfectly fine for my purpose! I was able to implement them quite easily in my project, thanks a lot for the help!






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