
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Does anyone know why my curves wont loft? I know its because they have been offset but cant figure out why the Flatten / graft functions aren't making it loft?

Please help

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Hi mark!

do you only want to loft the last two curves? Anyway try this.

I want to loft all of them! I have managed to do it now. Ill upload the file. I have the loft, but now want to divide that entire surface (to make vertical lines) in the V direction, but it wont allow me to do it. any ideas?


you didn't have to graft the curves before the merge.

Any ideas how I can divide that whole surface around those curves? Maybe my way isn't the best solution as now im stuck. thank you

check your other post regarding the same.

Hi Mark, the short answer would be to flatten the input curves of the loft.

Assuming you want to loft all the curves I simplified your script to make it a bit easier


Thanks alot






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