
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I would like to do some kind of a loft, using 2 voronoi. The top part with the bottom part.

-BOTH are made with the same points. 
-The bottom part is made from an offset of the top part. 

I would like to LOFT each bottom surface with its respective top surface. 

Here is a example made with photoshop :-P
I would like to develop a parameter for this...I'm lost.

Views: 1258

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just loft both edge curves of each cell

Hi Patrick, i tried to do it, but at the end is a total mess...
Maybe I have to use a flatten or graft component? I will try. 

I will try to take each surface, with an item list. It's an slow process, but it will work. Thanks!

Here is a quick file. You just need to put each cell's inner and outer curve on to the same branch (n=2) and then loft.







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