
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, i am a beginner with grasshopper and am having troubles with a lofted shape where it intersects with others and i am hoping someone here will be able to help.

Basically what I have done is made a line, made circles follow that line, and then lofted the circles. Where the curved line make corners that are too sharp the circles cross over, resulting in the loft getting mixed up and messy in that particular location. What i am wondering is if there is a way that i can make grasshopper solve that intersection so that it joins the two clashing surfaces and resulting in 1 joined & smooth surface.

The image above shows the current loft situation, the image on the right shows a very crude outline of what i am trying to achieve (a single smooth surface with no messy lofted intersections)

I am not even sure if this is possible to do on grasshoper, but if it is any help would be greatly appreciated

I wasn't able to attach the grasshopper file (for some reason it wouldn't upload this post to the discussion board) so here is a download link for the grasshopper file



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bump :)
really need some help with this guys, its for an assignment

managed to attach the grasshopper file this time

anything would be greatly appreciated


I can't think of an easy way to solve the kink issue.

My first thought would be to move the loft sections off center of the spline where the curvature of the spline is such that it causes collisions.

What are the criteria of your assignment?

Thanks for replying Jonah

Yeah that solution could work, but i think if/when the curvature of the spline becomes more complicated it may just complicate things further.

The criteria for the assignment is to design a structure in grasshopper and create 12 iterations. Worst case scenario i can just position the spline in such a way that no collisions occur at the kinks. I was just hoping to find out a way to solve this as i think it would be useful information further down the track

Grasshopper> go to mesh tab > mesh utility> mesh/brep component and plug lofted surface into "b".  See if that will "smooth" things up.

the reason is because you are joining two lines with different normals (because they are created differently). What I did instead is manipulate the points then interpolate it as one curve. It is better to use perp frames in this case. Also, there is a reverse happening on some input of move to have things going in the right direction. however, things like the below image are simply because the circles are to big in this area and are intersecting, this is not a gh issue, just a scale issue which you can adjust from your graphs ect.


thanks so much for the replies guys

appreciate it






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