
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys. I'm trying to learn about this great plugin.

I'm looking for a component that splits a list in a list of list.

I have 60 values, and i'd like to get a list of 15 sublists of 4 values each.

Can you help me out ?

Views: 9509

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Pathmapper is one way


Best Regards



did you read anything about data trees and lists? happy to help out a newbie, but you gotta also be able to help yourself a bit when it comes to the basic of basics... good luck
Another one :-)
Hi Paul, (Hi Dedackel, hi gotjosh)

I made a userobject to have a flexible way of "mapping the i\N way" (grouping).
I tried to keep the added number of braches to 1, but I think there is a bug in the simplify on some components... can anyone confirm or negate that before I report a bug?

Igot a Grasshopper IO message, but I guess this is because you use the newest release! The rest of it works.

Best Regards


I guess the domain version keeps it the most flexible way. Problems you will get anyway with complicated/ different pathstructures (?). :-)


Best Regards


Thanks for the fast checking Dedackel:) I know it works, but I would like to have my userobject add only 1 branch to the path, now it adds 2 branches.
the domain and the Series component add each a Path, mh! How to avoid that? I have to think :-)
I do  get rid of one by flatten the data input and the other by flatten the series output in your cluster


Had too little practice the last couple of weeks... just flattening the output of the series comp in the userobj fixes it. Thanks Ddz.
But still, shouldn't simplify (series output) do just that too?

(Also the expression Celing(C) is not working on the series C input, so I had to use a Number component just to get the ceiling expression in...)

Am I losing it completely today? ~

That is why we are here for, help each other :-) and to help Pieter Segeren is always an honor
what does Ceiling as an expression do?






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