
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm wondering how I can use a multiple values input to create a python list or tuple on this form : (x,y,z)

This, in order to allow variable number of values in output, easier than use several inputs t create the list.

Regards ;)

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So, nobody knows ?

I'm not exactly sure I understand the question.  Could you put together a (non-working) sample that has the inputs and some comments in a python component to describe what you want to do with those inputs?



Of course, there it is. First group, what I have to use for now. Second one, how I wish I could acquired my list.

Actually I'd like to be able to create a list from multiple values on one input dock, in order to be freed of the length of the list I reproduce by the number of input docks.

I whish I made myself more clear :/


You just need to set the input to "List access" instead of "Item access" (you set this by right clicking the input and accessing a contextual menu). You could also consider setting a type hint (in this case float). See the attached file.


Thanks a lot, as always the answer was obvious. I'm a little ashamed :D






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