
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



I just started using grasshopper yesterday for a studio project. I'm trying to offset a voronoi tessellation by constraining the offset curves within a minimum and maximum area domain but I can't seem to get it to work. I have seen several other discussions with somewhat similar problems on these fora but the closest I came was one that solved it by curve length, and it was merely using it in a binary condition to select inset rather than outset curves.


Any help would be 'preciated.



Views: 917

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does this help?

or this.


Hm, yes it looks like it's getting there but you've added so many parameters that I'm getting lost about halfway through. I have gotten it to treat some offsets differently than others based on the range object that you've put in, but after that, I think the self-intersections are causing errors in the next area string. I've uploaded the .gh and .3dm here if you'd care to offer some more assistance...

Thanks a bunch


Hi Tyler,

I was using gh v. 0.8.0066, so maybe you didn't get the whole thing. Sorry I thought I had downgraded on this machine too. the .0066 version doesn't work so well...

I'll see what I can do.

Try this.

Sorry I changed C plane


Still not working, but at this point I think it's just my inexperience with the tool. As I said, I just started learning 3 days ago so I only recognize about 20% of what you've added in that script. But at this point in the quarter, I don't have time to learn to do this properly. I'll definitely have to come back to it though, as I'd like to become more proficient. Thank you for the help, though. I'll have plenty to dig through when I get back to it.






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