
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all, 

i'm trying to integrate lighting in my thermal analysis with mustapha's method

it's not working for some reason 

your help is very appreciated 

thanks in advance

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thank you mostapha for continuous concern 

it is not working i tried to do it by grafting the lists and tried different methods this is what i get from "readannual results component" 

i don't know if it is the way it reads the test points or the points created has something wrong in it

i'm highlighting some points i suspect it is the reason after all this 




What are those points? Can you create a simple example with two rooms to re-create the issue? I will be happy to take a look.


dear mostapha, 

would you please help me with the last remark i have in this definition 

apparently "read annual results" does not get the chance to build the required lighting schedules and add it to the HBZones before "run energy sim" component begin running the simulation 

so i have to stop the process and  do another run for "run annual results" again to be sure the lighting schedules are added to the zones before it goes to the energy analysis component 

this is bad for me because i want to run several iterations automated either by "fly" or by animating a slider 

can you help with this please... have a look on the file uploaded by Devang in this conversation

to refresh your memory about what am i doing here

thank you again for all this support



Hi Anas,

Did you try using the native timer component?


hi devang, 

no i did not try native timer component. but i see what you mean. the issue is the time for each run varies between 3-5 mins until it reachs 20-25 mins a run depending on the number of zones and how long has the PC been running.  so i can't fix by setting a time for each run. 

i think the main key is to have some output from "read annual results that can freeze the running of energy sim until it finishes doing the schedules 


Can you put the slider that you want to drive this process, highlight it, and upload the file back? I would try different options then.


Hi Anas,

I am sorry I did not look at this earlier. Please find file attached.

Following are some observation and summary of changes I made while working on your file.

1. Those unnecessary points that you pointed to in your post were solved by simplifying the test plane geometry.

2. In solve-adjacency component, internal construction was provided a boolean value. That was removed.
3. HBZones were assigned Radiance materials for Daylight simulation.
4. Since cooling and heated energy was requested in simulation parameter, conditioning was set to true.
5. The names of materials you added to the library and the names of the materials you were assigning were different. That was fixed.

6. This looks more like an office building. Are you sure of apartment schedule? (Just a thought)

7. You should grow your definition in segments. Make, test one segment, then move to the next. Setting up the whole workflow at once is not a good idea unless you're absolutely confident of it.

Hope this helps!



I also added something to visualize the energy balance for this model. Please find the revised copy of the file.



thank you very much devang

i when i tried simplified plans for lighting, i had a new problem when i needed to creat new HBzones with the new lighting schedules

in your plan each floor will have only 1 schedule output but it consists of 5 different zones 

i have fatal error in SETZONESSCHEDULES component


Hi Anas,

Could you elaborate more on what you meant new HBZones? Your model had 5 zones per floor. Did you add any new zones? Also, in the file I attached, there are 5 lighting schedules per floor.







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