
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is it possible to have the copyright for specific definition?

I made very complex definition in my master Degree, which will be the base of my PhD.  And i want to have the copyrights for it?


Thank you very much.

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You automatically own copyright on everything you write (unless of course you stole it from someone else), including Grasshopper files. Note though that most companies and at least some universities have special rules about who owns copyright on work performed by employees/students, so first you need to make sure that you actually own copyright to begin with.

The real problem is enforcing it. Are you willing/able to pursue a copyright infringement in court? I suppose it wouldn't hurt to specifically add a copyright notice in the file itself and if you really think someone may steal your algorithm and you end up in a legal battle, I suppose it would be a good idea to log the file with a soliciter or notary so you can easily prove when you already had possession of the file.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you very much David for your reply.


My university needs to see the License agreement of grasshopper, so they become sure that i can have the copyright on my definition.

Where can i find a web link or a pdf shows the License agreement of grasshopper?


Thank you very much for your support.

Best regards


The license agreement is duplicated in the SDK documentation (download via the Grasshopper help menu). You can also enable the license agreement form in Grasshopper itself via the following steps:

  1. Start Rhino
  2. Start Grasshopper
  3. Click on the File->Special Folders->Settings Folder menu item
  4. Close Grasshopper + Rhino
  5. Open grasshopper_kernel.xml with a text editor such as Notepad
  6. Find and delete the line in the xml file that read:
    <item name="License:Accepted" type_name="gh_bool" type_code="1">true</item>
  7. Save the xml file.
  8. Start Rhino
  9. Start Grasshopper


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you very much .

Best Regards


Hi, Do you get the copyright of the definition of a whole ghx file or a specific component? with code or with the graphical canvas?

You have copyright of the entire GH/GHX file you create. Unless you've signed other license agreements with 3rd parties (employer, educational institution, governments or maybe even 3rd party component developers whose components you use).

There is no code, the graphical display is the direct representation of the runtime logic.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria






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