
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

There are quite a few resources for but I cant seem to find too much on C#, can anyone point me to some learning tools for C# that are related to grasshopper i.e. tutorials and examples. There is plenty of information on the language itself but I am looking for tutorials or examples with grasshopper. Thanks allot...

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i think the best way to learn is by example. take a look at some of the other C# scripting that is out there
you can find examples at
my site,
guilio's site

also the GH primer has some examples
The real differences between VB.Net and C# are differences in language syntax, not how the Rhino SDK is used. So basically, you're going to be calling the same methods with the same arguments, it just might look a slightly different in C#.

There are plenty of standard Rhino dotNET examples in C# that you can find on the dotNET wiki, so I'd recommend you look at those. If you do have a question, a number of the regular faces can provide the answer in C# if you ask for it. And considering how many have been moving over from processing and other languages, its not as uncommon a request as it used to be.

The other thing you should consider is the VB to C# converter. It'll go back and forth between the two languages and is very solid. I've used it a number of times when I was unfamiliar with C# and still use it now when I'd prefer not to think all that much about the conversion.

If you have a question, or just can't find what you looking for, then ask.






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