
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Everyone

Im a beginner user of GH, Please Someone can help me on how to set a red lignes on GH ? it is an X cross section and if possible switch to K brace which i could do on the upper section but unfortunatelly without horizontal

Thanks in advance

Views: 1740


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Hi.  I'm playing with rev3, and find that the 'flatten' on the curve inputs of the pipe function apparently has no effect on the result.  Query: why were they installed?

To: Chris Kuether

It is only a visual node role for organizing the secondary curves.
You think that's a mistake? If you don't like it, change it.

I'm changing [and changing back] lots of things, trying to understand your construction.  Some things I can't remember, so they stay changed.  So what I see is not necessarily what you intended.  I appreciate your guidance here.  Hope to learn more.

Thanks Kim for your support

im playing with now to reach my needs

Dear Kim

I think Something is wrond there , while measuring legs length , it shows 18057 mm where it should be 18019 mm regarding our base and top width.

is there any way to fix this ?



I do not know why I have to confirm this. What is the reason that the length of the line should be 18,019?

Why do you ask me to fix something that is not wrong?


Dear Kim

Problem Solved, Polygon request Radius, which i calculate from my base Width...


Dear Kim

Thanks for your valuable support,

is it possible in GH to affect different pipe for legs per level ? i Mean from 0 to x will be 150 and from x to x+i it will be 130 etc...

Your Support will be appreciated ...

Thanks in advance



Thank you so much Kim ,

Dear Kim, Im sorry to take 2 mn from your valuable time, on your model attached, i tried to flip a base section to start with an X section but I could not.

Can you help me please ?

Thanks in Advance


This is probably my last answer to this task bacause minor changes will not be so difficult if you understand the content.







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