
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

laser cutting : how to group curves into different layers

Hi to everybody!

I have a new problem with gh..

I would like to arrange the layers as in the picture to cut them with laser.

Could you help me with gh definition?

I would set all the curves that we find on each layer as if they'd grouped all together, to set them on a grid.

Thank you so much, I hope you understand my English :")

Views: 772


Replies to This Discussion

If you have no prior tree structure information you can group them by height.



Hi Marios! 

thank you for your help, but yes, I have more information, my file is the one I've attached here.. Can you open it?


I didn't have to review the file.

The attached is a generic case that works for the majority of scenarios

Hi There!

Checked your file. The curves are already clubbed the way you want inside the data tree. Kindly check. You could segregate them by simply culling out the paths with less than 2 items.i.e. if you want them separate. Is this what you wanted to know. Maybe I got you wrong?

I Think you wanted something like this!


Aditya thank you so much! it works right! ;) 






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