
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Mostapha, Chris and Abram

Having read Kimia's comment, I made a new potential component that finds sunrise, sunset for anyplace on earth using equations from Astronomical Algorithms, by Jean Meeus.
Besides these two output, it calculates the solar position (elevation angle and azimut) considering the atmospheric refraction.
I saw the difference between solInitOutput (based on Radiance) and the script that I wrote (based on NOAA). Some formulas are the same, while others are different. for example "Julian day", "solar altitude"..
Anyway, they are two different models.
At the moment the imputs are:
1) location
2) analysis period
3) year
and the outputs are:
1) civil twilight
2) official sunrise/sunset
3) solar elevation angle
4) solar azimut
This is an example where I used data of a real place.

and these are two photos that I took in this place.

SUNRISE (Civil Twilight) 06:44 AM

SUNRISE (Official) 07:14 AM
Note that in the first photo the street lights are on, while in the second are off because of the good level of luminous energy.
I hope that it could be useful.


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This is awesome. Thank you, Antonello!


Another nice tool and a good discussion as well!!!

I am sure that there are a lot of people out there, who utilize these wonderful tools in their studies.

Thank you guys all. Keep up the good work.








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