
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, i am trying to built brick wall by kuka. Taking the brick from one point (same point constructed in gh) and placing it on the wall. But in command weaver i need to have same number of command data. I tried with setting different expression in duplicate data but it doesn't work. it's always one data more or less then it should be. Is there any different option to set appropirate data in command weaver ? 

I'll glad for any help ;-)

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Replies to This Discussion

Hello Wiktoria,

The Command Weaver is a KUKA|prc component, so it's easier to get support at the Robots in Architecture forum. I've updated your file so that the logic should work.

Some suggestions: Use PTP movements for the large movements (i.e. from one safety level to another) and LIN movements for the accurate movements. If you want to run your file, also get the XYZABC values and number of your tool and base and set it correctly - at the moment you've still got a spindle attached. Try to find out the code to toggle your gripping tool!

Regarding the Command Weaver, you can zoom in and add inputs. It is also possible to weave individual trees together if you right-click it. Note that you can do everything that the Command Weaver is doing also with regular Grasshopper components, it's mostly for convenience!

Hope that helps!


- Robots in Architecture


Hello Johannes,

Thank you sooo much, for the file, tips and you're time, now i understand sth more, that's great! ;) Everything works.
Next time I'll write at the Robots in Architecture forum.

All the best!







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