
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone!

I have a knitting pattern I made and I want to put it on a surface.

In the code you can see, a lot of sliders that allows you to control one row, its density, length etc. The important thing, that there is a row that can make a knitting pattern. 

One row has to be overlapping the other, in order to get a knitting pattern. 

You can see that in works nice with an array.

I want it to be put on a surface as well, I use morphing box to do that. The problem is, when I try to divide the surface to rows, because my geometry is row look alike, I don't get a surface box that I can use as a target.

If any one could please give a look at the files, I would really appreciate your help!

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Reverse the U/V inputs to 'Divide Domain' - but that doesn't weave them together...

This version uses 'SrfMorph' and works well except for the seam:


No seam!  A combination of 'Domain end' and 'Count' sliders determine the shape (stretch) of the knit curve pattern.  The 'W Domain' slider determines the height (or "thickness") of the knitting pattern above the surface.

Wow thank you so much!






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