
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

please post here in case of karamba problems !

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Hi all, 

is it possible to connect two shell elements in karamba by spring elements with zero length?

If yes, is there any example for that?


Hi, there is a example in the TestExmaples Folder included in the installation folder of Karamba (usually there is a shortcut on your desktop).

Hi, you should check the mesh resolution (CTRL+M or show mesh edges in Grasshopper) to see how large your faces are. Large mesh faces will cause inaccurate load distribution - please refer to



Thanks for the quick answer! 


i Habe a problem with the beam view component. It doesn't show the elements as cross sections, it says: This object contains one error. 

I have beams via the definition of the cross section container where I select my own diameter and thickness, but also tried the same profiles with list item from the cross section range selector, they are all standart profiles.

Does someone know why the beam view doesn't show the profiles?

Thanks in advance! 

Hi, it is difficult to debug your problem without any screenshots or a definition.

Please also note that the Grasshopper forums are not regularly checked and you should post on our Rhino discussion board instead.




I am having problem with the definition of boundary in a shell element.

The idea is for the panel I use, to have at the edges of the panel frame with larger dimensions since from the structural point of view in general these parts are being reinforced. The problem is that i used to create a boundary but i think it doubled the surface (panel itself + boundary surface).

Is there a way both surfaces to be merged in one surface and then it can be further analysed ? 

Thank you in advance! 


Hi, can you please simplify your script and remove all third party plugins. We cannot debug your script when these extra components are included.


Thank you for your prompt reply.

I am re-sending the code and also attaching a photo indicating the third party plugins. I am not sure which of them I should delete ?

Many thanks!


Dear Ilda,

please put together a sample definition which replicates the problem but does not contain extra components. Otherwise it is hard to spot the problem since it could be linked to the third-party components.


Hi all, I am trying to use the arc-length method from your WIP and was wondering if it can be applied to shells. Thanks a lot in advance!

Yes, it does work, but there might be cases where it does not converge (






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