
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey everyone,
I have one problem - I want to make a cross-section analisys of the model, where the beams are in the form of arches
So I use the component line to beam, but it made just straight lines between the start and end points of the curve
How can I analise this curves as a beam?

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Hi Mak,

You need to convert that arc curve of yours into a series of a linear beams.

One way to do it is: convert your arc curve into a polyline. And then explode that polyline. Feed all those straight lines into the "Line to Beam" component.
I think Karamba had a definition on this in their earlier versions (possibly they still have it).

Thank you, this is the only one posibility?

This geometry is heavy enough now, and will this polyline work as an arch?

may be is it possible to make some surface from this arches andtry to analise it and to make a cross -section?

Some pics might help discussing the geometry. I don't know if it would make sense to simulate "arches" as surfaces. If they are arches, probably not.

Straight line segments is the only beam geometry, KARAMBA (and most other structural analysis programs) understands.

On the other hand, shells would be the same basically. A shell uses a mesh, which is a piecewise planar representation of the curved surface.

I need also have same problem. I'm trying to calculate bended pipes as precise as possible. My idea was also to try with shell element. I made small test based on Karamba test file. I have compared line to beam with mesh pipe converted to shell element. Results are dramatically different. I have observed to things. As out come I got separate values for utilization of each face instead whole element and also when I bake I end u with 3 overlapping meshes. In attachment test script. Dose any one have suggestion what could went wrong ? :D







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