
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hello everybody,

i'm new in kangaroo, trying to discover tensile structures. I searched for some tutorials and started focusing on the topic "mesh relaxation" so using hooke's law.

i'm uploading a photo to try to describe what i would like to start doing.

I wasn't successful in writing a definition, but i would like sort of lofting the lower curve to all of the higher curves applying also relaxation.

an example could be otto frei's structures or circus structures.

i could do some relaxation between 2 curves by lofting the two crvs and then meshing the srf and then passing the mesh into grasshopper.

but i cannot think of what to do when i want to create a unifying tent with holes.

I would be really grateful if someone could explain me how i can get where i want.

Views: 12761


Replies to This Discussion

Here's another version that avoids the need to bake the points into Rhino. Just set the sliders to zero when resetting the simulation, then once it is started adjust them to adjust the boundary heights


Thank you for the reply Daniel.
Would you mind taking a look at the attached files from my post.
Erick says everything is working as it should.
But I still do not understand what is wrong.

Djordie during the simulation moves any point, as in the previous image, as Daniel mentioned it if you want to simulate again, all the anchor points must be in the same plane.

What "any point" Erick?

Any anchor point from Rhino, or any initial mesh point (again from Rhino)?

Here is what I got by using the first method:

Here is by using the second:

Is it too much to ask for attaching those edited files, that seem to work?

try this or move the anchor points from Rhino after toggle.


Worked perfectly.

hello! This may be allready to late...but i was trying to apply your definitions to my mesh and i does not seem to work for does make the points but i cannot seem to get it to alter the mesh...any tips on what i am doing wrong? Thank you very much!


Hi!! I have the same problem. 

Although I use the djordje files with the gh definition of Erick, the mesh isn't generated. :( Could anyone help me, please??

same like paco the meshes are not created

You must start with the slider at 0, start the Timer, reset the Kangaroo Reset toggle, and then slowly drag the slider to move the points up.

If the slider has already been dragged beyond 0, Kangaroo can't keep up and doesn't even recognize the anchor points as being associated with specific mesh points.

daniel thank you very much.


kangaroo only works with meshes? i need to work with this srf after its "birth" in kangaroo, so is there a possibility not to have a mesh end product but a nurbs one?

it would be really helpful.

thanks again






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