algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I'm trying to make a facade with metal spiders holding tensile structures. The code is based on a square grid. Every cell is a four point tensile menbrane. The kangaroo component works only when there is one cell and i don't undertstand why ? When i put more than one cell it tells me: Exceptional solution: index was out of range. It doesn't have to be negative and has to be smaller than the size of the collection.
In french:1. Solution exception:L'index était hors limites. Il ne doit pas être négatif et doit être inférieur à la taille de la collection.
Nom du paramètre : index
Please help me solve the probelm, will be very grateful if you come to Paris ;)
and sorry for my bad english !!
Nenov Ivo
BTW: meet the king as regards SS stuff:
BTW: spend some here:
Alright buddy, you got me a lot of homework to do for the long weekend ahead, but its hell interesting to know all this stuff. I will have a CLOSER look ;-) and then will get back to you with lots of questions (just in case m still alive ;-). Till then thankyou so much for making my weekend so much more riveting, and that wasnt supposed to be sarcastic by any means.
Here's more to think (and why Kangaroo could greatly simplify a definition "close" to the original thread):
(1) create a 4 "strut" combo at rest position (strut axis at 90o).
(2) mastermind a way to adjust the main strut length and the stabilizer within some limits imposed by the real parts (i.e. a conditional input in the related parameters).
(3) put these in a given non-ortho grid.
(4) create the mesh (and/or the nurbs and convert it to a mesh).
(5) create some meaningful way to stabilize the struts that are not used in the membrane modules (i.e. the "peripheral" ones).
(6) let Kangaroo align the struts, relax the membrane and "optimize" the secondary anchor system (related with the double cables).
(7) mastermind a way to indicate struts that are - potentially - outside their adjustability "domain".
BTW: here's 3 alternative FF outputs as regards the same demo but with a radial topology (conic).
1. Watch for the forthcoming thread : GH for president (part2).
2. Purpose is to discuss about membranes (1%) and other trivial off-topic things (99%).
3. Definition was "almost"(?) ready but I decided to expose the real-thing (something that is under construction these days, a "bit" bigger than the "demo" examples provided up to this point - around 25K m2). This means a more complex definition (a "bit"). The real thing is not made with GH.
4. Membranes are treated with 2 ways: Kangaroo (bad news: you receive a mesh that is anathema for shop-drawing level studies). MinSurf + trim (nurbs on hand but with the obvious disadvantages as regards "relaxing" the other components - more code, less time for windsurfing)
5. Puzzle: do you know that big "umbrella" thing made recently in Saudi Arabia? (colossally big membranes that hmm..."fold" - 1M times the size of an umbrella). Never heard about that? Shame I must say, he he.
best, Ron (actually I mean Stan).
Sorry i didn't answer last time but i was in the rush to finish the project...
The Ronstan website is very intererscent but the downloads doesn't work here in bulgaria, it's good to know that i don't have to mdelize everything all th time !
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