
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have posted a group to try and field some of the frequently asked/answered questions on the Grasshopper forum.

As a first go this group is publicly available to all however contributions are only allowed from invited members. If you would like to contribute please ask I would hate to exclude anyone willing to help out. I've done it this way to prevent lengthy threads forming in the group away from the main stage of the Discussion board. 

If you feel the question is un-answered or out of date please raise the issue in a new discussion in the main forum.

Just the FAQs...

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Stop the presses. I opened a specific forum for FAQs. The group will be closed after the content is harvested. Please read the post with the rules, if you feel we need more or fewer rules, let me know.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

maybe replying at all should be off on the entire forum? So its just a post of a Q: and an A: and that's it?






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