
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,


is there an easy way to join two lines that are seperate but will intersect if I extend them? In Rhino would work with a fillet 0 radius.


In Grasshopper, I'm used to extending both, finding intersection, splitting at parameter, selecting the correct two lines and joining.


Could this go faster? :)


thanks! Anja


Views: 9413

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This is how I approach this matter:

Most of the Components are purely data handelling. The only thing you are doing is finding the intersection of two lines (Not Curves) and then removing the closest end points and creating a polyline


My approach is quiet simillar :-)

and two more ideas

Best Regards



Check your results. It appears you are inserting a line between the two closest ends rather than achieving the same results as Fillet = 0 in Rhino.

To fix it you have to include the Intersection point in the resulting line.

yes, I did not understand her problem.


just do your lines as a punishment :)

haha :-)

I will stand up now and go to the room of my boss and put this lines on the wall his back is facing to.



thank you, this method work perfectly. Now I'm just going to try and understand what you are doing ;)


Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but these options all draw lines between the endpoints instead of extending? (see screenshot). I selected the two lines for the first input component.

oh missunderstanding

but you can easliy switch them to your aim


Wow, you guys are fast :)


Thanks! I'll go find out which method works best for me.



Try this. I do wish a basic drawing commands like FilletZero and Extend were accomodated in Grasshopper, but in lieu of that, this is as simple as I could imagine it.



for beginners it helps to have the icons not drawn but as a text - thanks for considering this!







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