
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all!,

I am just getting into Grasshopper and so far my failures have made sense. However this one I am a bit confused about.

I have a grouping of curves that I am trying to join with the Join Curves command in GH.

The command does not join them which makes the subsequent extrusion then capping of the extrusion fail.

If I bake that same grouping of curves, the join command in Rhino goes off without a hitch. 

Am I missing something?

Many thanks in advance!.


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On my iPad right now so can't test, but I imagine the problem is that your curves are all in different lists. Curve join limits itself to all curves that share a single list. You need to either flatten your curve data or otherwise compact it until all the curves you want to join are in the same list.


try to flatten the input


Thank you for your prompt reply, really incredible!

That sounds like it makes sense. I tried using the flatten tree command -- is that what you intended? I started with grasshopper only a few days ago so I am still feeling things out.

The flatten tree command seemed to make it one list; I used the T-stat and it was 26 long but only had 1 path/branch.

The capping still didn't work however. I will keep trying.

Also, on a different, sad note... my delete key is not functioning for grasshopper; do you just suggest a comp restart?



Flatten works just fine. I suppose you didn't connect the flatten component correctly. Anyway, you can also flatten by right clicking an input and select flatten. You will see in the screenshot the input now has down arrow.

as for delete, are you using a mac by any chance with a windows partition. In which case you might need to use fn+delete


I see! Thank you very much; I really appreciate the quick responses -- seems like a great community here.

I am on a surfacebook. I just restarted my computer and the delete key is working properly again.



However, I would like to "guide you" in a better direction. I know you are only using a few days but what you sent is not at all parametric, it is a lot of copy, copy, paste, copy, paste the same components to move the line each time. It would be faster to just draw it in rhino in that case, and also the system is not so variable (which is the benefit of parametric software) Instead, try and think of your thing always as a parametric system. You should study a bit about data trees. General rule of thumb in my definitions is that if I ever feel i have to copy paste a portion, I immediately question whether the logic can be done with data trees. Usually it can! Remember parametric systems were made to illuminate endless copy paste workflows. See here attached how I achieved the same result with a lot less effort + more easy variability, and I am sure it could be even more compact than this. 



Thank you, that is far simpler! I am quite aware that I have little idea in what I am doing as of yet. I will definitely look into data trees as well as working my way through more of the tools. 

It is quite a testament to Grasshopper though that it can be so exciting even while at such a bare minimum level of proficiency. 

Thank you again!,







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