
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys,


Awesome component! been wishing for this for 2 years. Quick question, maybe its not really possible.


As I understand it, hoop snake stores everything in itself then feeds it out. Meaning 1 think leaves one thing enters 2 things leave 2 things enter 4 things leave etc in a 1 2 4 8 16 32 fashion. However, often times, I only want to iterate on the one thing not every instance over and over. In the simple example i just want to loop the component 30 times and end up with 30 curves, each one built off the previous. However, as seen below setting it to 30 gives you 8 final curves with tons of copies from previous generations being copied. Is there a way around this?

Views: 1044


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Essentially, If i step then bake, step then bake, step then bake is the idea im trying to convey. but instead of baking, appending to a list, then i can measure that list and end the stepping once it reaches the length which is easy to do with the handy boolean B* input.


just stumbled upon this:

eventhough he is not using any transform components

Im not sure what im doing wrong...5 steps yeilds 32 data items not 5. How do i make 32 steps = 32 output data items?
Ah! Thanks pyrit, the example file makes perfect fact i feel quite dumb now! obvious! use list insert to mediate the flow! MUCH THANKS!



something s wrong here, for me your file works "fine"(u dont produce a copy, you just alter your object again and again i think)

have a look at attached file...

so you want a copy correct?
Here's the trick for saving the "traces" without compounding the data into a hug list.


like in the files i attached.

just had the same problem that u described first post :-)



one thing i try to achieve but struggle for the solution


write with hoopsnake

011235831 ... fibonaci row



ah it works ... had oberseen something

goood night


Hi pyrit,

Have you managed to find a "iterative trace" for each step?

I have tried the "list insert" technique but can't figure out how it works.

It just won't apply to my definition...

Many thanks.






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