
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

is there anybody have examples for image sampler !

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sorry I can't see this web page just for Chinese firewall !

This is the definition from the link Michael gave you:

Reading Grasshopper Primer, would clarify most of your questions.
Take a look at the tutorials section too with additional video tutorials, books and blogs.

thanks very much !In china ,we can't see the videos from this web ,also some other resourses !so learn grasshopper is so difficult !but I love it !

I just need some .gh files !

What's your question?


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

I just want to know how to use this companent !

thanks!I get it!

The basic idea of the image sampler is as follows:

  1. You define an image.
  2. You define the physical size of your image. By default it's 0.0 to 1.0 along both x and y, but maybe you need a different size.
  3. You define what data you want to sample. Colours, Red, Green, Blue, Transparency, Brightness, Hue etc. etc.
  4. You define the tiling/wrapping behaviour. Does the image repeat forever, or does it repeat mirrored, or not at all?
  5. Then you sample the image at given (x,y) coordinates. The output will either be the colour at that location, or the brightness, or the hue etc. depending on your sampling channel setting.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

thanks!I get it!






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