
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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maybe, what customization do you have in mind?
It will be great to custimoze in some way or other the number (max, min?) of edges of each face (quad faces or trianglars) or something like max/min radiuses in PROXIMITY block (I can also agree to use proximiti if it is possible to build polisurface using those lines)

I don't follow. Can you post an image of this?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Delaunay triangulation is pretty unique, in the sense that there's typically only one solution for a set of points (speaking in 2D mostly). The only way a delaunay mesh would have anything other than tris would be if the points in question all lie exactly on the same circle, in which edges could be swapped between those points.

In regards to proximity, delaunay meshes are pretty good about finding close points. If you wanted faces only to be made within a proximity to a given sample point, this could possibly be done by culling faces after the mesh has been made.

Again, further clarification would certainly be welcomed.
Ok. how to make mesh with faces using proximity?

I want to do something like this

And i made this

(this made with delaunay and random set of points on surf) I want to have some parameters to force on the polisurface like radiuses and max corners of face in Proximity block
So what you actually want is to post-process the mesh, based on some arbitrary rule set?

This has nothing to do with the Delaunay algorithm, you need to find a way to modify an existing mesh, for example by culling faces, or creating holes in certain faces. I think the tools for this are already available. It's possible to deconstruct a mesh into face and vertex arrays, then remove the faces you don't want and create a new mesh with those faces missing.

The first image you posted contains tris, quads, even five and six-sided faces. Delaunay meshing only generates triangles.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Is it impossible to make mesh (with faces) using Proximity lines?






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