Hi all,
i tried to open a definition and , GH says :"IO generated 313 messges , would you like to see them?" and shows me a page( grasshopper event log) with some highlighted lines, and doesnt open the full definition.!!
hey mehdi! did you open that definition in the same version of grasshopper with which you want to open it now? because 0.600019 doesn't read 0.500099 that properly if even.
you fine? hows vancouver? heard the rains started...
Hey Philpp,
I opened it with version 0.500099, I didn't find version 6, It just opens up the definition but shows just error list and when I skipped it just oppened wierd canvas and didn't work.. !!
Man !! Vancouver , It rained like hell (though don't think it rains there) and getting cold, studio is getting more intensive.. How is bus shelter doing? Are you gonna build it or what?!