algorithmic modeling for Rhino
This plugin as been great so far, and thanks in advance for your great work !
I have been attempting to create a 3d cellular structure that would change in unit size according to proximity to a attractor. For instance have the cell size inside a cube, get smaller as it approaches the edges of the cube it´s in.
I guess this would translate into a " non-uniform design space " component, similar to the existing DS component in the plugin. Could I potentially insert attraction data going into the unit cell size input to get the result somehow ? ( I tried )
Gradient is great as well, but I need the opposite, comparatively it would be a cell gradient. While the conform surface to surface " resets " the attracted UV grid being fed into it with a uniform division being set within the S2S component itself.
I would really appreciate some direction in this. Thanks alot !
Fábio Ribeiro
your direction is really similar to mine.And i want to know if you had some results in this direction ?
Hey Fabio,
The unit cell variation is an interesting aspect I was thinking of implementing. Gradient cell size is definitely feasible and I have a simple approach in mind. But attractor based cell size gets a little hairy. The simplest solution is use a subdivision, where cells closer to attractors are subdivided, but in my view this gives very little wiggle room - subdivisions increase density exponentially.
I don't have much time to work on this at the moment, and I apologize for how stagnant this project has become. I had many more ideas for development but got side tracked with other projects. What I can say is that we are working on a completely revamped, stand-alone version of Intralattice but I can't give a specific timeline.
I do encourage everyone to take a stab at working with the Github code (C# with RhinoCommon SDK) to extend functionality. Feel free to message me with any questions.
Ok Aidan, thanks for the response. Looking forward to the next iteration of Intra-lattice! The exponential increase in density is not exactly feasible in this case, as I need to print it out at some point. The ability to set a range would be great for prototyping.
As a workaround I thought of creating a 3d grid of points, contained within a brep, attracted to edges, then apply a 3d Voronoi. The ability Intralattice has to create a particular cell unit design is preferable but perhaps at this stage it would do the trick...
Aidan, you mention to have a simple approach to a non-attractor based gradient cell division. Can you leave a suggestion on that workaround ? If the gradient were distance based, it might be preferable to the 3d Voronoi workaround I mention above...
Thanks again,
Fábio Ribeiro
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