
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Into to Grasshopper Webinar - feedback, recording, and files

For those of you that attended the sessions on December 8th and 9th, 2010...

How well did it work for you?

How was the video and audio quality?

What could we improve?


Here is a recording of the Webinar and the supporting files. (If you have a Mac, you will need the Windows Media Components for QuickTime.)



- Bob

Views: 1901

Replies to This Discussion

Very helpful examples! Many thanks!
The webinars idea is very good. We are looking forward for the next one.

(Sound quality was good, video some times a bit slow)
very good, just looking forward to review it again. got a little lost haha. But still it was great!!!!
This was a great intro. Looking forward to the next webinar.
I really enjoyed the examples, and thorough explanations to the questions from the audience. My only comments for improvement is if we had access to the tutorials a head of time, or immediately after the Webinar, when the new tools are fresh in our mind. Perhaps this could be illustrated through a series of screen shots that we could reference after the presentation, to remind us of the organization of the components. The video quality was fine, my screen only flashed blank a few times at the beginning of the session, and the audio cut out toward the end of the session( but I think everyone was aware of the audio issue).

Anyways, I am looking forward to seeing the example of the bit map example again. Great job! Thank you so much for putting this together.
muy buena experiencia.felicitaciones. espero que vengan mas seminarios.
Has the Webinar been posted yet? Sorry, I can wait, I am excited to try out the bit map example!
First thank you for both Rhino and Grasshopper, both excellent programs. The wow factor was worth the price of the webinar!! The presenter sure showed some great examples of what can be done with grasshopper.
Here are some things that I could use to help me understand and use GH more often. I am sure some of these are available, I am just not sure where.
A list of the the tools or buttons. Along with that list could be a brief description of the input and out put of each. Maybe a note that explains the logic of those inputs and out puts. For example input for a point can be typed in or chosen from a point in Rhino. I am guessing that we could also create a point using number sliders for each coordinate ? The note about logic would help with things like vectors not showing up in the Rhino window. What makes a tool or button "happy" or "un-happy".
Some instructions about the basics. The short cut to importing a .png file in the second example was shown very quickly and probably lost a few people. The answer about the differing line of connections between tools could also be explained again or in a reference document. Some theory about why you might type a value directly into a tool vs. using a number slider (for example).
What is the logic behind the tool groups? Do all of the tools in a group need the same kind of input? produce the same kind of out put? In the first example David used a tool that placed a point on the line. In what group is that tool? and why?
Sorry that is kind of a long list but you asked. Again I love your programs and thoroughly enjoyed the webinar. good job and thank you.

Hi Bill,

1) A list can be generated by the user. Go to the Help menu and "Export Help". You will get all the same information that is available from the context menu Help option for each component. This comes in the form of an HTML page with links to every component, so you will need to view it in your web browser. (I use Chrome and it doesn't seem to be working correctly, but when opened in IE its fine.)

2) Included in each help topic for each component is the Inputs and Outputs descriptions and data types.

3) You supply the data. What you supply and how you supply it is for you to decide. There are umpteen different ways. Are you asking for a list of those ways for each input?

4) Points can either be Rhino objects or 3D co-ordinates. To create a point you can use any of these methods, but it mostly comes down to user preference. I like using Panels as this displays outside of the component.

5) Because of the nature of vectors they represent magnitude and direction but they don't have an independent location, so there is a component that will display vectors in Rhino.

6) The user.

7) There is a Primer on the front page. Here you find the Basics, but because GH is ever evolving in its current beta state you might find things that aren't relevant any more or simply don't work the same. And here is the reason why nobody is writing an update because it could be soon out of date.

8) Importing images by either dragging them from explorer onto the canvas or right click context menu Image...

9) Single line = Single Item of Data. Double line = Multiple items of data on the same Branch. Dashed Double Line = Multiple Data on Multiple Branches.

10) User preference

11) Toolbar management is probably the bane of David's life. Most things are logically placed. For example the Curve Tab, Primitives are any simple curve types that you are creating from scratch. Similarly Splines is for more complex curve types created from scratch. Analysis is where you find components that are finding answers supplied by curves, control points, curvature, parameters, end points etc. Division is a subset of this category but has a group of its own. And Utilities is where you find curve related actions that you want to perform, offsetting, rebuilding projecting, exploding etc.

12) I would image it would have been the Point On Curve component in Curve>Analysis. Why that group? You are not putting a point on a curve you are analysing a curve for the location of a point based on some parameters that you are supplying. For example "what is the mid point?"

I hope this goes some way towards answering you questions. No doubt this will have generated more so don't be afraid to ask, it took me several releases of Explicit History (aka Grasshopper) before I realised what the egg did, it never occurred to me that I could put my objects into Rhino when I was finished. Or the fact that I could use panels to 'see' data outputs.

Al the best,
You are the man!! Very good answers, that are much appreciated. You just made my life much easier. Have a cold one on me. :-)

all the best
First of all, it was great Webinar and Thank you so much for your team and David.

Video quality was great though I thought audio could be better. Audio had a little bit of noise in it but was clear enough to understand what David was saying.
He also might have went through some stuff too quick. If you were really new to the Grasshopper, you might find it difficult to follow him as he goes.
For me, it was kinda hard to follow him and check the questions/answers on the panel at the same time.
Actually, it would be great if you could post these questions and answers from webinar panel, too.

Anyway, it was great and I hope it keeps coming!
Really great examples....the two hours went too fast.
audio an video quality was okay.

I´m looking forward for the next steps :-)

Will Grasshopper enter the Apple world???

Thank you for that great job!!!
Thanks for yesterdays webinair, it was very helpful!
you guys should continue this way, look forward to more of them!
could we please get the download link now?!?!






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